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Preparation for surgery

Important things before surgery

Before hair transplantation, you should inform your doctor if you have any diseases (allergies, pressure, diabetes, etc.) and medication.

Do not take any medication for 3 days before receiving your doctor's approval for hair transplantation.

One day before surgery

Avoid drinking alcohol 1 day before the operation, as alcoholic drinks reduce the effect of the painkillers used.

Smoking is one of the main factors that prevent the development of planted roots. It is forbidden to remove it 1 day before and 1 week after the operation, as it weakens the blood circulation in the scalp. Do not shave your hair before the operation.

Day of surgery

  • it is recommended that you wear a shirt and come in comfortable clothes, and do not bring any items or food with you.
  • planted areas should not be touched.
  • the operation lasts about 6 hours and this may vary depending on the number of grafts received.
  • It is important that you come after taking a shower, doing your hygiene work, sleeping and eating normally.
  • outsiders are not allowed in the operation.
  • it is recommended not to use the phone or talk too much during the operation.
  • after the surgery, on the same day and for the next 3-4 days, you should ride vehicles very carefully. For 4 days, you should not lift more than 3 kg, strain, or bend your head.