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Acne or acne disease is an inflammatory process of the skin, which is accompanied by a violation of the function of sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

The main role in the mechanism of action is seborrhoea. At this time, the bactericidal properties of skin fat decrease and the bacterial flora is activated. The bacterium "Propionibacterium Acnes" is also shown to be an important cause of acne. Acne develops throughout puberty and gradually disappears after the age of 25.

Causes of acne

The causes of acne are not fully understood. The causes that accelerate the formation of acne are improper personal hygiene, poor nutrition, stress, etc. belongs to.

Acne in teenagers occurs due to the acceleration of the synthesis of hormones. The synthesis of androgens, especially testosterone, increases throughout puberty. And testosterone accelerates the formation of sebum. At the same time, androgens accelerate the production of keratins, which are involved in the formation of hair and nails.

Excess skin oil leads to blockage of the hair follicle, which is located mainly on the face, neck and back, which results in good conditions for the growth of bacteria in such follicles.

This process causes black or white non-inflammatory pimples on the skin. In many cases, under the pressure, the walls of the follicles are damaged, the fat spreads to the surrounding tissues and acne, which is an inflammatory acne, is formed.

In some women, taking oral contraceptives can also cause steroid acne.

Symptoms of acne:

During acne, various morphological elements appear on the face, chest and back. At the root of acne is an inflammatory process. As a result, soft tissues dissolve and purulent discharge occurs. The pustules open, purulent discharge comes out and is covered with a dressing. When acne is in the epidermis layer, a pigment spot is formed, and when it is in the dermis layer, a scar is formed.

Treatment of acne:

Acne usually requires long-term treatment. At this time, the main goal is to treat seborrhea, reduce skin oiliness, and reduce the intake of spicy (irritating) and sweet foods.

In the severe course of the disease, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. At the same time, oral administration of aromatic retinoids, which cause a reduction in sebum secretion, gives good results. Comedones are cleaned mechanically. "Neodymium" and "PDL" lasers can be used for the purpose of sterilization in inflamed acne. To improve the color and texture of the skin, a laser polishing procedure is also applied using "Er oil" and "CO2" lasers.