Biochemical analyses
- Name
- ALP Alkaline phosphatase (alkaline phosphatase)
- ALT Alanine aminotransferase (SGPT)
- ASO Antistreptolysin-O
- AST Aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT)
- Albumin (BOM)
- albumin (blood)
- Albumin (urine)
- Albumin creatinine ratio (in urine))
- Amylase (BOM)
- Amylase (blood)
- Amylase (urine)
- Ammonia
- Atherogenic index
- Biochemical examination of BOM (Na, K, Cl, protein, glucose)
- BUN Residual nitrogen
- Bilirubin (straight or conjugated)
- Bilirubin (unconjugated or free)
- Bilirubin (total)
- Bilirubin (total) BOM
- C3 complement
- C4 complement
- CK-MB Creatinine phosphokinase
- CRP (C reactive protein)
- D-dimer
- Iron (Fe)
- Iron binding capacity (Free)
- Iron binding capacity (Total)
- Express examination of medicines
- Express examination of medicinal products (panel 12)
- Phosphorus P (blood)
- Phosphorus P (spot urine)
- Phosphorus P (daily urine)
- HDL-cholesterol
- HbA1c (Glycohemoglobin)
- Potassium K (daily urine)
- Potassium K (blood)
- Potassium K (spot urine)
- Calcium Ca (blood)
- Calcium Ca (daily urine)
- Calcium, ionization
- Creatinine (blood)
- Creatinine (spot urine)
- Creatinine (daily urine)
- Creatinine kinase CK
- Creatinine clearance
- LDH (lactate dehydrogenase, BOM)
- LDH (lactate dehydrogenase, in serum or plasma)
- LDL-cholesterol
- Lipase
- Magnesium Mg (blood)
- Magnesium Mg (daily urine)
- Microalbumin (in urine)
- Microalbumin (daily urine)
- Sodium Na (spot urine)
- Sodium Na (blood)
- Sodium Na (daily urine)
- Pancreatic amylase (in blood)
- Biochemical examination of pleural fluid (Na, K, Cl, protein, glucose)
- Protein Total (BOM)
- Protein Total (in blood)
- Protein Total (urine)
- Protein Total (daily urine)
- QFS (glomerular filtration rate
- GQT Gamma glutamyl transferase
- Globulin total
- Glucose (BOM)
- Glucose (express test)
- Glucose (spot urine)
- Glucose (daily urine)
- Glucose Satiety
- Glucose in the blood (starvation)
- Glucose in blood (2 hours after food intake)
- Glucose tolerance test, oral / I.V. (5 Blood samples)
- Rheumatoid factor (RF, quantitative)
- Urea (blood) UREA
- Urea (daily urine) UREA
- Uric acid (uric acid, 24-hour urine)
- Uric acid (uric acid, blood)
- Uric acid (uric acid, spot urine)
- Transferrin saturation
- Urea (blood) UREA
- Urea (daily urine) UREA
- Uric acid (uric acid, 24-hour urine)
- Uric acid (uric acid, blood)
- Uric acid (uric acid, spot urine)
- Transferrin saturation
- Triglyceride
- Triglyceride (BOM)
- VLDL cholesterol
- Chlorine (spot urine)
- Chlorine (BOM)
- Chlorine (serum)
- Chlorine (daily urine)
- Cholesterol Total
- Protein creatinine ratio (in urine)
- IGA Immunoglobulin A
- IGG Immunoglobulin G
- IGG Immunoglobulin M
- Microbiological analyses
- A streptococci in a throat swab
- ARB in Abscess Fluid (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- ARB BOM (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- ARB in Sputum (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- ARB in Pleural Fluid (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- Abscess culture identification and antibiogram
- Breast milk culture and antibiogram Both sides
- BOM culture and antibiogram
- General analysis of the BOM
- Throat culture and antibiogram
- Bronchoalveolar lavage culture identification and antibiogram
- Nasal culture identification and antibiogram
- Nasal culture identification and antibiogram 2-sided Right
- Nasal culture identification and antibiogram 2-sided Left
- Sputum culture and antibiogram
- Gram staining of sputum
- Clostridium difficile toxin A+B
- Crypto Giardia Entamoeba rapid test
- Identification of other cultures and antibiogram
- Dysbacteriosis
- Drain culture identification and antibiogram
- Nail culture
- Looking for fungus on the nail
- Determination of scabies in a skin scraping
- Looking for fungi from a skin scraping
- Furuncle culture identification and antibiogram
- Eye culture identification (conjunctiva) and antibiogram
- Helicobacter pylori (in stool, express test)
- Calprotectin
- Calprotectin + Lactoferrin
- Catheter culture identification and antibiogram
- Lamblia Ag rapid test in stool
- Liquid culture identification and antibiogram
- Nasopharyngeal culture identification and antibiogram
- Occult blood in stool
- Determination of parasites in feces (soskob)
- Plasmodium (malaria)
- Pleural fluid culture identification and antibiogram
- General analysis of pleural fluid
- Prostate juice culture identification and antibiogram
- General analysis of prostate juice
- Blood culture identification and antibiogram
- Ear discharge culture and antibiogram
- Roto Adenovirus Rapid test
- Salmonella and Shigella selective culture and antibiogram
- Urine culture identification and antibiogram
- Urinalysis (Nechiporenko method)
- General analysis of urine
- Synovial fluid culture identification and antibiogram
- Sperm culture and antibiogram
- Spermogram
- Surface planting culture
- Platelet count
- Ureaplasma urel, Mycoplasma hominis culture and sensitivity to antibiotics
- Urethral discharge culture identification and antibiogram
- Vaginal culture identification and antibiogram (candida, trichomonas and gonococci)
- Wound inflammation culture identification and antibiogram
- Determination of the fungus in the smear
- General examination of the smear
- Yeast culture identification and antibiogram
Microbiological analyses
- A streptococci in a throat swab
- ARB in Abscess Fluid (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- ARB BOM (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- ARB in Sputum (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- ARB in Pleural Fluid (Acid Fast Bacillus Screening)
- Abscess culture identification and antibiogram
- Breast milk culture and antibiogram Both sides
- BOM culture and antibiogram
- General analysis of the BOM
- Throat culture and antibiogram
- Bronchoalveolar lavage culture identification and antibiogram
- Nasal culture identification and antibiogram
- Nasal culture identification and antibiogram 2-sided Right
- Nasal culture identification and antibiogram 2-sided Left
- Sputum culture and antibiogram
- Gram staining of sputum
- Clostridium difficile toxin A+B
- Crypto Giardia Entamoeba rapid test
- Identification of other cultures and antibiogram
- Dysbacteriosis
- Drain culture identification and antibiogram
- Nail culture
- Looking for fungus on the nail
- Determination of scabies in a skin scraping
- Looking for fungi from a skin scraping
- Furuncle culture identification and antibiogram
- Eye culture identification (conjunctiva) and antibiogram
- Helicobacter pylori (in stool, express test)
- Calprotectin
- Calprotectin + Lactoferrin
- Catheter culture identification and antibiogram
- Lamblia Ag rapid test in stool
- Liquid culture identification and antibiogram
- Nasopharyngeal culture identification and antibiogram
- Occult blood in stool
- Determination of parasites in feces (soskob)
- Plasmodium (malaria)
- Pleural fluid culture identification and antibiogram
- General analysis of pleural fluid
- Prostate juice culture identification and antibiogram
- General analysis of prostate juice
- Blood culture identification and antibiogram
- Ear discharge culture and antibiogram
- Roto Adenovirus Rapid test
- Salmonella and Shigella selective culture and antibiogram
- Urine culture identification and antibiogram
- Urinalysis (Nechiporenko method)
- General analysis of urine
- Synovial fluid culture identification and antibiogram
- Sperm culture and antibiogram
- Spermogram
- Surface planting culture
- Platelet count
- Ureaplasma urel, Mycoplasma hominis culture and sensitivity to antibiotics
- Urethral discharge culture identification and antibiogram
- Vaginal culture identification and antibiogram (candida, trichomonas and gonococci)
- Wound inflammation culture identification and antibiogram
- Determination of the fungus in the smear
- General examination of the smear
- Yeast culture identification and antibiogram
Hematological analyses
- APTZ During activated partial thromboplastin
- APTZ mixture test
- Coombs (straight)
- Coombs (non-linear)
- ECS (1 hour) (sedimentation)
- Factor I (fibrinogen)
- Hemoglobin
- Hemogram (BOM)
- Hemogram (at least 24 parameters)
- During coagulation
- Leukocyte count (peripheral smear)
- Prothrombin (PTZ + INR + prothrombin index)
- Determination of blood group compatibility
- Determination of blood group (ABO) + RH
- General analysis of blood 22 parameters
- Thrombin time
Clinical analysis of blood
(QKA) is a comprehensive examination that shows the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of blood. It is used in the diagnosis of many diseases and as a control of treatment. Clinical analysis of blood is one of the most commonly used analyzes in medical practice, along with leukocyte formula and ECS.
The study of indicators of clinical blood analysis allows to assess conditions such as anemia, polycythemia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis and leukopenia, leukocytosis, which can be both a symptom of any disease and an independent pathology.
During the analysis, the following indicators are determined:
- (WBC) Leukocytes - fight against foreign agents. They have important functions such as phagocytosis, cellular and humoral immunity, antimicrobial, antitoxic, antibody formation.
- (Neut) Amount of neutrophils in % - their task is to protect the body from bacterial infections.
- (Lym) amount of lymphocytes in % - the main task is to identify foreign antigens and participate in an adequate immune response against them
- (Mon) Amount of monocytes in % - they perform the function of macrophages in the inflammation center and destroyed tissues, clean the inflammation area from dead cells.
- (EO) amount of eosinophils in % - phagocytose the antigen-antibody complex. Its main tasks are to fight parasites and control allergic reactions.
- (Baso) Amount of basophils in % - their main task is to participate in rapid hypersensitivity reactions. In addition, they play a role in inflammation and allergic reactions, in controlling the permeability of the vascular wall.
- (Neut) The absolute number of neutrophils - their task is to protect the body from bacterial infections.
- (Lym) the absolute number of lymphocytes - the main task is to identify foreign antigens and participate in an adequate immune response against them
- (Mon) Absolute monocyte count
- (EO) absolute number of eosinophils - phagocytose the antigen-antibody complex. Its main tasks are to fight parasites and control allergic reactions.
- (Baso) The absolute number of basophils - the main task is to participate in rapid hypersensitivity reactions. In addition, they play a role in inflammation and allergic reactions, in controlling the permeability of the vascular wall.
- (RBC) Erythrocytes - non-nucleated blood cells, rich in iron-containing protein - hemoglobin, which is a respiratory pigment. The main task of erythrocytes is oxygen transport.
- (HGB) Hemoglobin - a respiratory pigment of blood, located in erythrocytes, participates in the transport of oxygen and carbonic acid.
- (HCT) Hematocrit is the percentage ratio of all forms of elements in the blood to the total volume of blood.
- (MCV) mean volume of erythrocytes - reflects the average volume of erythrocytes. It is used in the diagnosis of anemia.
- (MCH) is the average amount of hemoglobin in erythrocytes - reflects the indicator of saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin.
- (MCHC) is the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes - it reflects the indicator of saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin.
- RDW – CV anisocytosis – reflects the heterogeneity of erythrocytes by volume.
- RDW – SD reflects anisocytosis - heterogeneity of erythrocytes by volume.
- (PLT Platelets) Thrombocytes - Thrombocytes perform angiotrophic, adhesive-aggregation functions, participate in coagulation and fibrinolysis processes, perform the function of blood clot retraction.
- (PDW) platelet anisocytosis - reflects the heterogeneity of platelets by volume.
- (MPV) average corpuscular volume of platelets - indicates the average volume of the examined platelets. There is a correlation between the functional activity of platelets, the tendency of cells to adhere, and the change in platelet volume.
- (P-LCR) platelet ratio: large cells – reflects the percentage of large platelets compared to normal-sized platelets.
- (PCT) thrombocrit is the ratio of platelets to whole blood volume.
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a non-specific indicator that reflects changes in plasma protein content. It is mostly used in inflammatory conditions and during monitoring of their treatment. As a result of the increase of acute phase proteins (fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, alpha- and gamma-globulins, paraproteins) in the plasma, EHS also increases.