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PRP (plasma therapy)

Platelets play an important role in the work of the body and tissue regeneration. They stimulate the division and growth of damaged cells. An increase in the concentration of platelets in the blood leads to wound healing and tissue regeneration. The therapeutic effect occurs when the concentration of platelets in the plasma increases several times to 1 million/ mkl (normally 150 min/mkl-350 min/mkl) reaches.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is plasma enriched with platelets, which has a rejuvenating, regenerating and rejuvenating effect on tissues. PRP contains 3-5 times more cytokines, growth factors and other proteins than normal blood.

Growth factors are natural human proteins that stimulate the growth, proliferation and differentiation of cells. These include platelet growth factor, transforming growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, epithelial growth factor, etc.

Instructions for the PRP procedure:

  • Age-related changes of the skin (decrease in elasticity, formation of wrinkles);
  • Decrease in turgor;
  • Dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • Tired, weakened, dry and pigmented skin;
  • Skin rehabilitation after peeling (chemical and laser);
  • Inflammation of the sebaceous glands (acne);

Injection methods for PRP:

  • Mesotherapeutic injections - in order to rejuvenate and renew the skin, plasma is injected in its pure state or mixed with hyaluronic acid using the mesotherapeutic technique.
  • Filler injections are performed in the form of plasma filler injections for the purpose of filling wrinkles and biostimulation of the skin.

Injection zones for rejuvenation:

PRP procedures for the face, neck, decolletage, hands, etc. it is done to regions;


  • Increase in skin elasticit
  • Treatment of under eye goiters;
  • Treatment of wrinkles and folds;
  • Slowing down of skin aging;
  • Restoration of healthy and bright color of the skin;
  • Reduction of allergic skin reactions;

Number of procedures:

Positive changes begin to be felt already after the first procedure. However, to get the full expected effect, it is necessary to undergo several procedures, and the number of procedures is determined by the doctor individually.

Durability of the effect:

The effect of the procedure depended on the condition of the skin, the patient's age, etc. The effect is maintained for approximately 1-1.5 years.

PRP for hair

Men and women often encounter the problem of hair loss (alopecia). Alopecia is different - genetic, physical stress, hormonal problems, unhealthy diet, improper nutrition, psycho-emotional stress, etc. may arise from reasons. As a result, the anagen phase of hair development is delayed and the amount of hair decreases, resulting in alopecia.

When the plasma is injected into the hairy part of the head, the neovascularization (blood supply) of the hair follicles is enhanced. As a result, the anagen phase returns to normal and the shedding process decreases.


After the procedure, hair loss stops, growth and structure are restored. The activity of sebaceous and sweat glands is normalized. The fur becomes brighter and thicker. The structure and health of the hair is improved.

Number of procedures:

Usually 1-6 procedures are enough to stop hair loss and achieve new hair growth. However, in individual cases, the number of procedures is determined by the doctor himself.

Conducting the procedure:

The PRP procedure is performed only with autogenous blood taken before the procedure - the patient's own blood. The patient must come to the procedure on an empty stomach. The blood is collected in a special test tube and prepared in a centrifuge in appropriate settings for 5-10 minutes.

Then the obtained plasma is injected into the problem areas in its pure form or mixed with other components.


Contraindications to the PRP procedure were as follows:

  • Severe diseases of internal organs;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Systemic diseases of the blood;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Immunodepressive conditions;

Preparation for the procedure:

  • Maintain the use of anticoagulants 2-3 days before the procedure;
  • 1 day before, keep the intake of alcoholic beverages, fatty and fried foods and foods with preservatives;
  • Stop eating and drink plenty of fluids 4 hours before;