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Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin is an exotoxin synthesized by bacteria called Clostridium Botulinum. Botulinum toxin causes botulism by having a neuroparalytic effect. The word "botulinum" is derived from the Latin word "botulus" which means sausage.

Botulinum toxin type A injections are the most commonly used anti-aging procedure in recent years, especially in the fight against wrinkles on the face. For this purpose, the botulinum toxin injected into the facial muscles breaks down a protein necessary for the synthesis of acetylcholine, which is important for muscle growth. As a result, temporary muscle paralysis occurs within 3-5 months. After 3-5 months, new synapses are formed and muscle function is restored.

There are 7 serotypes of botulinum toxin (A, B, C1, D, E, F, G). The strongest of them is serotype A.

Botulotoxin A is Botox (Irwin Pharmaceuticals) in the USA, Dysport (Ipsen Products) in the UK, Xeomin (Merz Pharmaceuticals) in Germany, Refinex (KC Pharmaceuticals) in Japan, Botulax and BTX in China, Neuronox (Medy-Tox Incorporated) in South Korea, etc. produced under the names.

Botulinum toxin is used in medicine in 3 areas:

  • In Neurology
  • In Ophthalmology
  • In cosmetology

In cosmetology, botulinum toxin is used in the following indications;

  • Forehead wrinkles;
  • Wrinkles on the forehead;
  • Wrinkles around the eyes (eye wrinkles);
  • Wrinkles on the nose;
  • Pocket-shaped wrinkles on the lips;
  • In order to treat asymmetry in facial muscles;
  • Wrinkles in the neck area (platysma);
  • Treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);


Absolute contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Hypersensitivity to botulinum toxin;

Relative contraindications:

  • Muscle weakness in the injection area;
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • The presence of infection at the injection points;
  • Acute and chronic infections;

Additional effects

  • Ptosis (dropping) of eyebrows;
  • Blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids);
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • Headaches;
  • Edema at the injection site, etc.;

All complications can occur even when the procedure is performed correctly, it is not a doctor's mistake, and it is fully treated

Implementation of the procedure

  1. First, the patient is examined, the area to be treated is determined;
  2. Then control images are taken and the patient signs a written consent form;
  3. The procedure area is cleaned with an antiseptic solution and marked with a marker;
  4. The dose of the drug is calculated and the procedure area is cooled with ice (to prevent bleeding);
  5. Botulinum toxin is injected into the relevant areas, cooled with ice and the procedure is considered finished;
  6. After 2 weeks, the patient returns to the doctor's appointment, repeated pictures are taken and, if necessary, corrections are made.

Repeat procedure can be performed only after 5-6 months