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Warm and hot peels

Laser peeling


  • curvature of the skin relief;
  • fine and medium wrinkles;
  • skin is hard and porous;
  • crow's feet crease;
  • pale skin color;

Laser peeling is an effective laser procedure aimed at smoothing and renewing the skin. Laser peeling is performed for the purpose of improving the relief of the skin, rejuvenation, correcting the optical effects of the skin, smoothing aesthetic defects.

Due to laser peeling, small curves, wrinkles, scars disappear on the skin, pores and dead cells are cleaned.

Cold laser peeling

The main goal of cold laser peeling is to immediately smooth the skin surface and achieve the "velvet skin" effect.

The essence of cold laser peeling:

During cold laser peeling, the laser beam vaporizes the top layers of the skin. After the procedure, small wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes smoother, the skin becomes velvety, optical properties improve.

Recovery period:

3-5 days observed with crusting.

The course of the procedure:

3-5 procedures


The effect was immediate, it can last up to half a year.

Hot laser peeling:

Hot laser peeling is also aimed at smoothing the skin relief, but unlike cold laser peeling, it also gives a noticeable lifting effect. The effect of hot laser peeling is not immediate, it increases gradually over 2-3 months. As a result, the result after hot laser peeling is better and long-lasting.

The essence of hot laser peeling:

During hot laser peeling, the laser beam vaporizes the superficial layers of the epidermis layer by layer and heats the upper layers of the dermis (that's why it's called hot laser peeling). Deeper laser effect and heating of tissues allows to achieve skin tightening (lifting), rejuvenation, renewal and relief smoothing.

The skin becomes smoother, stretched, elastic, velvety, the oval of the face is defined, superficial wrinkles disappear, and deep wrinkles become superficial. The skin becomes brighter, younger and healthier.

Recovery period:

5-7 days, crusting, edema and redness may occur.


1-3 procedures.


the effect increases within 2-3 months and can last up to 1 year.