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USM is a medical field that uses various imaging technologies to diagnose and treat diseases. Radiological examination is carried out in almost every field of the healthcare sector. Radiology uses a variety of imaging techniques, such as X-rays, magnetic resonance (MR), computed tomography (CT), and PET scans to create images of internal body structures. It is divided into two broad areas such as diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology.

Radiology is important in the diagnosis of many diseases, especially cancer. Also:

  • In the diagnosis of bone and lung diseases
  • For examination of foreign bodies
  • In injuries and emergency medical care
  • In breast diseases
  • In the diagnosis of osteoporosis
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases
  • In the diagnosis of diseases occurring in internal organs
  • In the pursuit of pregnancy
  • In the diagnosis of musculoskeletal and bone system diseases
  • Nervous system departments such as spine, spinal cord, brain, head, neck, back, neuroradiology
  • In the description of abdominal, abdominal, breast, soft tissue lesions
  • It is used in the examination of gynecological and children's diseases

Diagnostic tools used in radiology are as follows:

  • X-ray - X-rays are used to examine the bones, chest and abdomen, and foreign bodies. Fluoroscopy can be done to get a moving image of the digestive system.
  • Emar (MR) - Creates high-quality images of body structures with the help of a computer program thanks to a magnetic field and radio waves.
  • Ultrasound - Uses sound waves to create moving images on a monitor. It is the cheapest and most harmless imaging technique.
  • Fluoroscope - This is a method of producing real-time and moving images of the body using X-rays for procedures such as stents and drainage catheters for narrowed arteries or imaging of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nuclear medicine - to create nuclear medicine images, a short-lived radioactive substance is given to the patient, then the radiation emitted from the patient is recorded and processed on a computer.

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